By English Puritan Protestant Preacher and Theologian, Thomas Cartwright, (d. 1603), published 1611.
The several proofs whereby it is shown the Roman Catholic Church is anti-Christian and the Papacy is Antichrist.
1. Page 28: How foully the Papists have been deceived, that upon the words of the Apostle, It is not good for man to touch a woman (1 Cor. 7:1), they have gathered that marriage is little better than whoredom: considering that by “good” is meant only that which is suitable and fit [cf. Genesis 2:18].
Secondly, that man is naturally desirous of the society of man: and therefore, Monkeries [practicing monastic life], Nunneries, and Hermitages are unnatural, and consequently, ungodly.
2. Page 62: Regarding the books of the New Testament, it is agreed [by all] that they, and they alone, are [divinely inspired]. But in the Old Testament, the Church of Rome holds that divers books, called Apocrypha, are of the same authority with the others that have been named. They can be shown not to be inspired of God for several reasons:
(a) They were not written in Hebrew, as were the other Old Testament books.
(b) The Jews themselves did not acknowledge any other books to comprise the Old Testament.
(c) The Hebrew Scriptures were only read and expounded in their Synagogues.
(d) The primitive Churches, both Greek and Latin, after the Apostles, accepted only the Hebrew Scriptures as canonical.
3. Page 63: Since the Scriptures are able to make us wise unto salvation (2 Timothy 3:15), we need no unwritten truths, no traditions of men, no canons of Councils, no sentences of Fathers, much less decrees of Popes to supply any supposed defect of the written word, or to give us a more perfect direction in the way of life then is already expressed in the canonical Scriptures.
Therefore, because the Scriptures were inspired by God, they are the ultimate authority by which to judge men and angels, nor can they be judged by others. And thus, the Church of Rome hanging the credit and authority of the Scriptures on the Church’s determination [as to their canonical authority] doth horrible injury unto God because they make the Church’s word of greater credit then the word of God.
Furthermore, God’s word is as firm as steel and changes not; unlike the Church of Rome’s opinion that it is a rule like lead, able to be bent every way at man’s pleasure.
4. Page 71: The law is two-fold comprising our duty to God and neighbor. However, due to their crafty practices, the Papists make men believe that godliness chiefly consist of the works of the second table, such as charity, alms, etc., thereby deceiving the people to enrich themselves.
5. Page 96: Our duty to God is first and foremost. We are forbidden to make Images; and secondly, to bow unto them or worship them. The Popish doctrine of Images, that claims they are Laymen’s books, is flat contrary to the word of God; and therefore, false and erroneous. The Papists say they do not worship images as God, unlike the Israelites who worshipped the golden calf as God. But it is impossible to truly serve God by an idol as the Papists do because the Israelites worshipped God in the calf when they said, ‘Let us make a feast tomorrow to the Lord.’ Moses certainly knew this when he made them drink what they judged to be God. They sinned grievously when they joined God to the work of their hands. For God saith by his Prophet Hosea, You shall no more call upon me in Baal. Furthermore, Deut. 4:12 reminds the Israelites they saw no image of God when he gave the Law, therefore, they should make no likeness of Him.
In addition, the Papists paint God as an old man. They base this on Daniel’s description of Him as the ‘Ancient of Days’ which is execrable. However, this title is simply meant to acknowledge His Eternity: that He always existed.
Besides images, all representations of any grace of God are forbidden, unless expressly allowed in Scripture. Idolatrous worship may be seen in erecting shrines, in clothing and covering them with precious jewelry; to kneel or light a candle before them, etc., or to praise these inventions of men: wherein although the gross Idolatry of Popery may be taken away from amongst us, yet the corruption cleaueth to the hearts of many, as is seen in them that make curtsy to the Chancel where the high altar stood, and [sign] with the right hand unto standing crosses.
The worship of all such as are made with man’s hands are forbidden, such as Isaiah 44 speaketh of, and Psalm 115, when one piece of wood is cast into the fire, and another of the same tree is made an Idol; and such Hosea meaneth, saying, They worship their gold & silver. And lastly, such as have eyes and see not, mouths and speak not, ears and hear not, noses and smell not, feet and go not, etc.
Reverent gestures of the body are to be given God of heaven only, and to use anything for other purposes than that appointed by God, as the Israelites did with the brazen serpent, resulting in its destruction, or their carting the Ark which resulted in their punishment.
Moreover, it is forbidden to pray for that which God made no promise, or to pray to departed souls or those who sin unto death, or to thank God for things unlawfully gained. Also, to hang Scripture around the neck to heal diseases.
Papists defy the commandments of God when, in their sacrament, they deem it a sacrifice, or when in the Ministry which should edify, the Bishops of Rome exercise tyrannical Lordship over their flock and fellow servants.
He who loves otherwise then God hath commanded [proves that he] hates him; for although every Idolater will say that he loves God; yet here God witnesseth of him that he is a liar, and that he hateth God, in that he hateth the worship that He commandeth.
6. Page 115: Thou shalt not commit adultery includes fornication. This occurs when two people come together outside the state of matrimony. It is manifest that the whorehouses permitted, yea authorized and defended in Popery, are unlawful and expressly forbidden in the Law, while the Kings were commended in the Scripture to remove such filthiness out of their land.
7. Page 110: The commandment ‘Thou shalt not steal’ encompasses all idle persons, or those which are occupied in hurtful or unprofitable trades, as the Romish merchants, Image and Bead [Rosary] makers, and makers of the like trash: Jugglers, wandering and rogueing Minstrels, Magicians, Astrologers and such like. Spiritual theft occurs when ignorant, insufficient and dumb Ministers who take wages yet cannot perform their duty. Also, the idle negligent Ministers previously mentioned: Monks, Friars, Nuns, etc.
8. Page 117: The commandment ‘Thou shalt not covet’ not only condemns evil desires, but all proneness to sin….and therefore, by this commandment especially are all men convicted of sin. By this the error of the Papists who hold we have free will to do good or evil is evidently confuted, whereas we cannot but sin in coveting evil until we be born anew.
9. Page 133: John 15:15 proves that [Papists, etc.] commit a foul error who teach our Saviour Christ delivered not all things pertaining to the necessary instruction and government of the Church but left them to the traditions and other mere inventions of men.
10. Page 136: Contrary to the truth that Christ’s righteousness is imputed to believers so that their sins, both original and actual, are atoned for, the Papists teach He delivered men only from original sin and that we must make satisfaction for actual sins.
11. Page 137: There are several ways to prove the Papist Priesthood to be false:
(a) They are not of the tribe of Judah, neither confirmed by an oath, and therefore not perpetual.
(b) Secondly, they are not holy in themselves, but unholy; neither innocent nor undefiled, but defiling others and are defiled of them, and so not separate from sinners, [unlike Christ], but altogether sinful and set in sin.
(c) Thirdly, they offer first for themselves, then for the people likewise many times, and sacrifices which are not themselves lastly. By this they bring great disgrace to the Priesthood of Christ, by preferring themselves to Him, as the sacrificer to the sacrifice whom they say they offer.
12. Page 138: Isaiah 9:6-7 describes Christ’s Kingdom, of which He is the head, the King. Therefore, the man of sin or Pope of Rome, is not the ministerial head of the Church, which is Christ’s Kingdome; since He is Himself present, yea, and that most notably by His Spirit; and more to the advantage of His Church then when He was bodily present.
13. Page 171: The Anabaptists, Papists, and Libertines, which ascribe to the Spirit that which they like, although wickedly: seeing the Spirit doth not ordinarily suggest anything to vs, but that which it teacheth us out of the word (John 14:26).
14. Page 181: There were only two sacraments in the Old Testament, as there are only the same two in the New. The Papists number seven, however, Confirmation and Extreme Unction are superfluous, while Matrimony, Orders and Penance are agreeable to the word yet are without the nature of sacraments and should not be numbered as such.
15. Page 191: The Papists insist on the doctrine of Transubstantiation, believing with God all things are possible. We answer: The question is not of power, but of will. Besides, God cannot do those things which contradict His essence. This is why Scripture declares He cannot lie or deny Himself. Furthermore, if the bread were Christ, etc., then there should be two Christs, one that giveth, another that is given; for our Saviour Christ gave the bread, etc. Again, if the bread is the very body of Christ, then there is no sign of the thing signified, and therefore no Sacrament. When the Papists deny the cup to the laity, they teach salvation does not lie wholly in Christ, nor with assurance.
16. Page 196: The Pope cannot be the head of the Church in any sense because in Ephesians 1:21-22, Paul declares Christ to be far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, as the head of the Church. Furthermore, it would make the Church a monster, having more than one head. Moreover, when a Pope dies it would then leave the Church without a necessary head. Besides, since Christ is always effectually present by His Spirit why would he need a Papal vicar or deputy?
17. Page 197: The Popes claim to be rulers over all in the world because of the words, Thou art Peter, and upon this rock will I build my Church, since they claim Peter was the ruler of the Apostles and they are his successors. However, The rock whereupon Christ will build His Church, is not Peter, but the effectual and confessing faith of Peter; as appeareth by the divers words the Evangelist useth from that whereby Peter is called. And if it be understood of Peter; yet it must be esteemed that to avoid confusion Peter gave answer in the name of all, upon whom in respect of their ministry, the Church is as well built upon them as upon Peter (John 6:67-69).
18. Page 198: If Peter was the chief of all the Apostles, it does not make the Pope of Rome the chief of all the Bishops. For howsoever they say Peter was Bishop of Rome, yet indeed that cannot be proved by Scripture; rather the contrary. For if Peter had been at Rome when Paul was there, he would not have forgotten to make mention of him, upon divers occasions he had thereof. He most certainly would not have included him in the common charge that all had forsaken him [2 Timothy 1:15]. Also, Peter’s proper charge being amongst the Jews, who were never frequently or many in Rome, and after the few that were there, banished from thence [under Claudius in 49 AD]. What likelihood is there that Peter would most likely reside where he had least to do? And if he had been there, why would he be Bishop there? The Bishopric being a degree of Ministry far lower than the Apostleship whereunto he was called.
But if we grant Peter was Bishop of Rome, does it follow that the Bishop of Rome must be his successor? No, because Peter sat with the ruling counsels in Jerusalem and Antioch before Rome and thus could challenge Rome’s right to name a Roman his successor. Nor can his death allegedly in Rome be proof that the privilege of his successor should be from Rome any more than the death of Christ in Jerusalem was proof that Peter’s successor should be from Jerusalem, which by the just judgment of God for the same cause was made a heap of stones. And thirdly, if it did belong to his successors at Rome, it belongs to his successors in doctrine and not in place only. Consider more, that if the Church were built upon Peter, it was in respect to the doctrine he taught.
19. Page 207: To pray in any other name than our Savior Christ is abominable, as it is prefigured in Moses and Aaron and notably set forth by the Apostle in 1 Tim. 2:5. Therefore, it is abominable to come in the name of the Saints, as they do in Popery.
20. Page 214: Men claim in words and show to abhor Satan; however, when they do his will, live under his laws, delight in his works of darkness, subject themselves to the Pope and his other instruments, they are found to, indeed, love him as their father and honor him as their Prince, whom in words they would seem to abhor. For even these same men our Savior Christ affirms to approach unto God with their lips, while their hearts are far from Him; and so, too, their lips may be far from Satan, yet their hearts are near him.
21. Page 225: By the blood and suffering of Christ is the only ransom for sin. Contrary to the Papists, who confessing that original sin is taken away by Christ in Baptism, teach we must make part of satisfaction for our actual sins; and therefore, the Jesuits whip themselves, as if their blood might satisfy for sin, which is abominable to think.
22. Page 228: The Papists teach that the sin and guilt of our sins are taken away by Christ, but we must satisfy the punishment of them: wherein they make God like unto those hypocrites, who will seem to forgive and yet keep a prick and a quarrel in their hearts; watching all occasions of advantage, which say, they will forgive, but not forget.
23. Page 230: Swine, indeed, after they are washed and dogs after their vomit return; the one to their water and the other to their vomit; as do also the Papists, who after auricular confession, being discharged in their opinion, will go to their sins afresh: but those that are truly washed with the blood of Christ, will never give themselves over to their sins again.
24. Page 238: The Papists omit the thanksgiving [doxology] of the Lord’s Prayer. It is of no wonder since the whole body of their doctrine teaches that salvation is all of man, God’s glory being buried in deep silence.
25. Page 244: Fasting should be the result of acknowledging the anguish and grief of our hearts, conceived for our sins and the judgements due them, grounded upon the meditation of the law and threats of God. Also, sorrow for the punishment of God upon vs, for which we ought to be humbled in fasting. Conversely, we see the great abomination in Popery; because instead of humbling themselves and afflicting their souls, they pride themselves, and lift up their minds, thinking they deserve something at Gods hand for their fasting.
26. Page 250: Vows must be of lawful things, else it is better not to pay the vow, then to pay; as Herod, and the forty mentioned in the Acts 23:14; and as the Monks, Friars and Nuns vow willful poverty and perpetual abstinence from marriage and canonical obedience, as well as the people’s pilgrimages. The vow of celibacy is bound to fail if it depends on one’s own strength.
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