Mattthias Flacius Illyricus

Catalogue of Witnesses of the Truth Who Protested Against the Pope Before Our Age 

Containing various works primarily filled with valuable and useful knowledge, especially necessary for this time 

Translated Texts from this Classic Protestant Work, published in 1556, include:

Preface, Peter, Holy Scripture, Apostolic Canons, United Greek Church, Waldenses

 I made a remnant for myself of seven thousand living men who did not bow the knee to the image of Baal (1 Kings 19; Romans 11). 

To the most illustrious and pious Princes, Mr. John Frederick the Great, John William, and John Frederick the Younger, Brothers, Dukes of Saxony, etc., to their most gracious Lords. 

The most illustrious and most penitent Prince, Paul, the chosen organ of Christ, having consoled his Philippians, said: It is given to you by God, not only to believe in Christ, but also to suffer for him. This is indeed a great proclamation: and at the same time a splendid comfort, which no greater witness can be offered to the mind of a pious Christian: namely, that God has bestowed upon them a true knowledge of himself, and constancy in their suffering. How immensely the wretched little man, oblivious to himself, is inflated, vaunts, and ostentatiously presents himself above all others, as if he possesses some unique piece of knowledge that distinguishes him; yet the daily experience of all times, and particularly the present moment, has taught and is teaching this [truth] quite adequately. Moreover, truly to have rightly recognized the Son of God and to have known the Father through him is truly a remarkable benefit and gift of God’s mercy: To the extent that it requires knowledge to be created for all humans, the matter recognized here is greater than that of all other sciences, and the benefit and profit derived from it are greater than what is certainly received and expected from them. It is extraordinary, therefore, and quite indescribable to the Christian man, to see for himself this immense gift of the true recognition of his Son, mercifully granted by the heavenly Father, in giving birth to him. If, moreover, he approaches this [gift], with the intention of eagerly confessing the acknowledged Christ, while constantly suffer for him, then, truly, God’s gifts are accumulated, and nothing better or greater can happen to mortal man on earth. For this is what blessed Paul says, to be conformed to the Son of God. If we sympathize with him in this life, we shall certainly in due time also be glorified in him. Therefore, as I said, most pious Princes, this praise is a great consolation, which you and all other pious people, pressed by the cross of Christ, can and deserve to have [this truth] proposed to you in all your sorrow and confusion. For it is clearly of such a kind that, when you are rightly and piously pierced, it may bring you the removal of all sorrows and griefs and truly cheer you up by its merit. This great consolation also acts as a servant, in that, although such people who have recognized the genuine Christ and have openly confessed it have endured various forms of persecution from their adversary, who is maliciously called the Devil, as well as from his ministers, being reprimanded, accused, and slandered, nonetheless, they have the testimony of their own conscience and of all good and decerning people. Surely this is not a trivial consolation for me, since it confirms the saying of Psalm 94: Judgment will return to righteousness, or be corrected, and all the upright heart will follow it. We have a magnificent example of this in your ancestors, father, grandfather, and most distinguished brother. To the Electors of Saxony: although they have been agitated by the truth in various ways, deformed and afflicted by the curses, calumnies, and ultimately the gravest injuries of many wicked men, nevertheless, finally, with the truth prevailing, adorned and honored by the favor of all good men, they continue to be esteemed and celebrated. In their praises, and the favor of all the pious, you too, most pious Princes, succeed with a certain rightful claim through confession and the cross, as well as with the fervent pursuit of turning back impiety. I wanted to briefly preface that, according to my judgment, I believe that these and other pious reminders and consolations of this kind are especially necessary for us, since these have been sorrowful times until now, and these seem to be the beginnings of greater evils.

Now, I wish to express the specific reason for my addressing your esteemed gatherings. In the pursuit of demonstrating there were always 7,000 pious ones who had not bowed their knees to the Roman Baal, I have always collected a modest catalogue who, prior to Doctor Martin [Luther], of blessed memory, condemned either the whole Papacy or some of its errors: or even the disgraceful life of the Papist clergy, whose pastoral duties have been sufficiently infected by negligence. I, therefore, wanted to dedicate this writing to U.C. for several reasons, which I shall gladly keep to myself: rather, I will present my thoughts on this matter, if perhaps, while avoiding extremes, I might be able to remind you all of something good and pertinent. In these times the true doctrine and form of the Church has been defended, illustrated, and established, with false doctrine overcome. Though with so many good versions of biblical memorials produced, and so many commentaries of sacred literature composed, nothing appears to remain as necessary as does a brief exposition, or (as they call it) a Gloss of the sacred scriptures, as well as a diligent and accurate history of all ecclesiastical matters, from the birth of Christ to our times. Let me first speak of the Gloss of the sacred text. 

I have seen it necessary for the ignorant among us to have access to some explanation of the holy epistles. Despite the numerous commentaries prevalent, too often many are watered down, so that men are not led to the holy scriptures, but rather led away from them, by reading the thoughts of men, and so they withdraw from divine theology to a kind of human theology. I wish, therefore, to expound the holy scriptures in such a convenient manner as to briefly present first the arguments, or summary of the purpose of each writing. Then [secondly] the connection of the opinions or disputes should be shown, which could be done initially more fully afterwards in the margin, in its proper place, with individual words, as if by certain points, just as we see it done in our time by the learned when reviewing many profane authors. Thirdly, only obscure passages should be explained, if by that explanation it is necessary to illustrate some theological opinion without indicating a phrase of the Hebrew language. In order to eliminate the need for lengthy explanations from time to time, a separate book can be prepared on the rules of Hebraisms, which can be accessed later by the reader, after having first read a brief exposition of the phrase [in the Gloss]. So much for the exposition of holy scriptures. I will now add something about history. 

It would be necessary and useful for me to write a learned and accurate history of the Church, from the birth of Christ down to our times, in which, first and foremost, the doctrine and form of ceremonies of the whole religion of the Church at that time are carefully set forth. Also, which religion was more pure or impure at that time; by what errors, abuses, superstitions, and (so to speak) falsehoods, lest it [pure religion] be obscured, distorted, or deformed by the tricks and pretensions of men and [must need] restoration to its former brightness and luster. Furthermore, of which part they consist: internal errors (so to speak) or external errors; that is, heresies which are clearly obvious, or those which are internal and hidden, like diseases. Their causes or reasons would be explained, and at the same time, their refutations would be added for clarity. Then also the marvelous philanthropy and providence of God, and the presence of His son, Christ, our Head and Savior, would be shown by how, through such wonderful reasons and counsels, He established, propagated, defended, and preserved His religion and Church against the furious attacks of the whole world and the most cunning efforts of Satan, which He has often restrained in marvelous ways and events; just as He once awakened in the ship, or held back the storms of persecution or the tempests of errors, suddenly extinguishing and rooting out the flourishing wicked, and mercifully rescuing the pious from the jaws and depths of shipwreck. It should also be shown how, even with a flourishing religion and Church, many, nevertheless, besides manifest heretics, were teachers, as well as listeners, who spread and circulated intolerable errors, with only a few publicly and very harshly rebuking or refuting them. And that when both religion and the Church were lying squalid and tarnished partly by the errors of the impious and partly by tyranny, nonetheless, God has always reserved for Himself seven thousand who, amidst those openly reigning errors, have not bowed the knee, but rather resisted and contradicted, whether publicly or at least privately, and have safeguarded the incorruptible doctrine. Such a history would truly be like a kind of permanent possession, as Thucydides says, or a treasure, ready to meet all their needs: either to educate men in their eastern quests, or to strengthen them amid difficulties and dangers. In order to accomplish such a task, it would undoubtedly be necessary to have a vast supply of books and manuscripts, both printed and unprinted, that could in any way enhance or illustrate it; as well as a number of learned individuals who would diligently combine their efforts for this purpose, and from such diverse writings, and from so much (as Virgil was accustomed to say of Ennius, when he read about himself) dung of falsehood or triviality, could seek the pure gold and gems of genuine truth, and gather and distribute them for such a notable work. For, truly, both to procure books and to feed suitable men, the expenses would not be ordinary, but necessary. I, alone, cannot accomplish or complete any of these things; I will, however, encourage those who can do as much as I have until now. And I will, by the propitiation of Christ, do my best, so that with those who can and should help in this effort, even moderately, with the help of God, accomplish this goal. So, let all who can do anything see that they act only for the benefit of the Church of God, realizing they owe this duty to God. And those who cannot help [financially] can at least help us through fervent prayers to God, for this may be by far the greatest help. 

I will explain at greater length in the following preface what other uses or fruit this work, which we have just been consuming, can provide to the readers. To your 100 illustrious Princes I dedicate and offer it. First, I wish to list my studies and observations for you. Second, I propose this book will be a comfort to you, for you will read in it that in all ages there were some pious teachers, nay, seven thousand preserved by God, who resisted the Roman Antichrist, opposing themselves to his errors, whom God allowed to profess the true doctrine of Christ, and defend it; to whom, in these last times, your fathers and grandfathers, together with your brothers, were the first to eagerly open the gates, and kindly provided hospitality in all the ways and services they fostered, promoted and confessed, not only in happier times, and when it was less of a danger, but with immense difficulties and furies. In the meantime, others have been corrupted: but the praise of your ancestors is yours, and common to all of you. Finally, that you may know by experience itself, and by clear examples, that, just as God formerly and always until now, with singular mercy defended and preserved the teaching and its professors against the many furies of the world, Satan and Antichrist, so he will do in the future as well. In fact, he will do so much the more because now is that blessed time of the greatest and most glorious revelation of the Antichrist, which has been promised so often in holy scriptures. And relying on this consolation and hope, all the more zealously and earnestly following in the footsteps of our most illustrious ancestors, I continued to foster and promote with the utmost strength literature [which teaches] true religion, and finally all righteousness, sanctity, and honesty. I wanted to write this to C. U., praying from my heart to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, to preserve and govern you, and to lead you into all truth and the way that pleases him. Amen. To U.C., Your most devoted, 

Matthias Flacius Illyricus 


Matthias Flacius Illyricus 

To the Christian reader: Eternal salvation in the Lord.  

Undoubtedly, Elijah, the holy man of God, was shaken and afflicted by great grief and temptation when, in the time of King Ahab, he was oppressed and downtrodden for his worship of [the true] God. All genuine and pious worshipers were either forcefully driven and dragged to the point of defection, or even killed, due to the thriving idolatrous fury praised and favored by the King, Queen and nobles throughout the whole kingdom. Without a doubt, the seducers and their followers were blissfully ensconced in their errors; so much so that all ranks of society, especially the powerful, zealously consented to idolatry which Elijah was against. And so, seeing the state of affairs with their united consent to idolatry, Elijah, though born with the most excellent virtues and filled with the Spirit of God, experiencing the overwhelming feeling of defeat and failure, entreated death from God, lest he also be led into error by such a temptation. However, his will to live is revived when God comforts him by revealing there are many thousand righteous whom He has divinely preserved, who will not consent to idolatry. Undoubtedly, experiencing affliction, defeat and heartache, such consolation meant a great deal to this most pious prophet of God, realizing his labors, struggles and dangers had not been in vain because there were many others who were united with him and the true God. He knew the struggle for godliness was a duty. Such a sad state of affairs, and (as Christ calls it) a sifting, doubtless often happens in the Church of God: but nevertheless, that temptation and consolation is particularly described, not so much for Elijah’s sake, as it is for the perpetual consolation of the Church of God. Truly, by this consolation the pious were often comforted and strengthened, as we read in Paul, Romans 11. For us also, the same consolation is most useful and necessary at this sad time, and, indeed, not only from this account of Elijah and God. We must seek and ask for evidence from actual, factual experience, including all narratives of past events. For the Papists, who have been protected by the shield and testimony of their sacred books, are constantly perpetuating this sophistry against us:

To this the sophists add what they consider very legitimate amplifications when they clamor and impetuously seek the holy Fathers, whom they consider wiser and more learned; Is it plausible for us to condemn all those years [of godly testimony]? “Not only do adversaries sing such sophistries in their writings, but Satan himself often hurls, with great force, fiery, venomous darts into our hearts and consciences. It is indeed quite easy to dissipate and destroy this sophism, namely by denying the perpetuity of the adversary’s doctrine and of their Church, as well as [defending] our truth. However, it is certainly very difficult to plausibly overcome their lies with the approval and assent of the audience. This frequently happens either because the Gospel of Christ is truly a mystery hidden from the world, or because the truth is often hard [to conceive and believe], with fewer following it, and many prefer to follow falsehood; or finally, because [true religion] is not like false religions (so to speak), which are ostentatious and thrust themselves before the eyes of all. Thus, for these and many similar reasons, when teachers raised by God preach the true doctrine, primarily the Gospel of Christ, almost everyone judges them as bringing forth a new kind of doctrine, which are previously unheard-of teachings, contrary to the errors of which they are infected. On this account, they oppugn and condemn [the truth], accusing us [of propagating lies], while they praise their old [and erroneous] teachings. 

“It is evident from all writers and histories that our Church and religion, which depends on the Roman Pontiff, is quite ancient and of long standing, and has its origin from the times of Christ and the Apostles, having been propagated by translation. Yours is truly new, instituted by Luther just 30 years ago. Therefore, our Church and religion, that is, Roman, is true and genuine, not yours.”

Thus, at the time of the Prophets, the idolaters argued that they wished and should sacrifice in Bethel and elsewhere, where the most holy fathers, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, etc., sacrificed, and not Jerusalem only. They also contended against the men sent by God, especially regarding the idolaters’ contention that true religion consisted in the observation of the abundance of sacrifices, ceremonies, etc., not in the sincere piety of the heart, much less in the recognition of the true Messiah. The people all seemed to think the preaching of the prophets consisted of new and blasphemous ideas, especially when warned God was going to overthrow their nation, city and temple. Moreover, they disputed the fact that God was going to gather the Gentiles in the place of the Jews who rejected Him. It was similar in the time of Christ and the Apostles when the Pharisees’ instructor was Moses. They flaunted [the name of] their forefathers with heavy and stern sanctions and observations [of the Law]. They placed salvation in the religion of assiduous sacrifices with a zeal for ceremonies, in a discipline indifferently applied, as well as in leading a more honorable life. They all were in agreement, asserting this was the more ancient [and pure] religion. They contended against the truth of Christ, who rejected the traditions of the Fathers, who did not magnify ceremonial sacrifices, and, in short, viewed all piety to consist of true conversion of the heart to God and the Messiah. They argued their recognition of God was on solid ground, and accused Jesus of the most atrocious impiety, novelty and blasphemy, especially when He contended about His antiquity, claiming His teaching was older than Moses, and that Abraham was saved by recognition of His person, rather than by merit of his works. They then were driven into a rage and, rather than contending through further arguments, they picked up stones in an attempt to overpower Him. Until this time, they were certain of the antiquity of their doctrine versus the newness of Christ’s doctrine. 

For just as it was exceedingly difficult, if not almost impossible, for the prophets of old, for Christ, and for the Apostles to remove the glory of the ancient, impious religion and its teachers, fueled by hatred of novelty and to keep their doctrine from the stain of newness; so, it is also for us now. The reasons for this are those I have indicated above.

1. Because, oftentimes, truth is oppressed in many ways, as if forced into hiding.

2. Because few are concerned with it, and even fewer truly understand it.

Lastly, because it is not so conspicuous and does not draw all eyes to itself, as the papal uproar with its crosses, triple crowns, various galleries, precious ornaments, prodigious garments and colorful hoods, with such howls of shouting, the thunder of bells, and so much more.

And finally, with such pomp and triumphs of wealth, even when true religion and doctrine are present, they are scarcely known or felt. 

Nevertheless, we are opposed to this likely and too plausible sophism. First, the clear and express testimony of the word of God which testifies that the true assembly of God or the Church are those who hear his voice, embrace and keep it; not those who persecute and blaspheme. For thus He, who is the very truth, the way and the life, says: My sheep hear my voice, John 10. Also: My mother and my brothers are these who hear the word of God and do it, Luke 8. Also: If anyone keeps my word, the father and I will come to him, and we will make our abode with him, [John 14]. Also: As many as received him he gave them power to become children of God, [John 1].  All these testimonies of the sons of God, and infinite others testify, without any ambiguity, that they are, or will become, a company beloved of God, who listen to his only Son, and that, on the contrary, those who despise and persecute the cry of the sons of God are a rejected and condemned crowd. 

Now, nothing is easier to prove, than that we follow and embrace the word of God himself in our doctrine: indeed, the adversaries do the opposite, since those who, in many articles or sentences, not only despise the word of God, but also slander it with blasphemous tongues, saying it is too obscure, too ambiguous, too equivocal, giving cause to all heresies and schisms. Clearly, therefore, and necessarily, we conclude our defense with the argument that our religion is the truth because our assembly follows the voice of God, while on the other hand, our adversaries, who preach a different Gospel, are anathema to the maranatha. 

In the next place, experience itself opposes the argument of our adversaries [which deems our religion a novelty], for history testifies there were always many teachers and pupils who sympathized with us, and not our adversaries. Now I will keep silent concerning the Patriarchs, Prophets and Apostles of Christ whose teaching we follow without any ambiguity, as I have stated. It is also quite evident that the primitive Church, 200 years after the birth of the Lord, was in complete conformity in religion with us, fully disagreeing with our adversaries. After about the 300th year of the Lord unto the 600th year, the seeds of Papal errors already began to be spread in the churches, taking the form of Papist doctrine, not our doctrine.  He who carefully reads the writers or Fathers of that age, such as Jerome, Augustine, Ambrose, Hilary, Chrysostom, etc., will easily notice their opinions agree with most of our articles, even if it happens they sometimes recite an opinion imprecisely, which is usually the case when our adversaries use such carelessness against us. And they have not only retained concurring doctrine to ours, but also, they themselves often recognize the seeds and vices of pre-existing errors and the extent to which they can infect and damn, which in my Catalogue I repeat from time to time. After the 600th year of the Lord, as the power and influence of the Papacy grew, the Christian religion became worse, increasing in errors and abuses daily, with less and less of its former honesty and soundness remaining. Yet, nonetheless, God did not reject His people, as Paul says, for he always kept for himself 7,000 pious ones, more or less, who resisted the errors which sprouted, grew and were being grafted into the Christian faith, by opposing them, not only with pen and words, but by their martyrdom with their own blood. In order not to fake the truth or appear to be a bold liar, the following pamphlet abundantly quotes several authentic authors, allowing those to see and read with their own eyes who would not otherwise spend the time and energy to seek out such information. Therefore, in order to achieve our purpose, I have collected, to the best of my ability, all those who in some way, before Luther, testified to the truth of Scripture against the errors and ravings of the Antichrist and most adversaries.  They not only opposed their errors, but also exposed their neglect of [spiritual] duties, as well as their leading a most destructive life. All these testimonies are historical proof that there have always been many thousands of pious people who either abhorred all or many of the horrendous errors of Baal perpetrated by the Roman Church. They not only opposed them but cried out ardently for deliverance from their captivity. And not only will I list the true opinions of many witnesses, but I will also add the evidence. Nevertheless, it is not difficult to conjecture that where there was one teacher who taught the truth of Scripture correctly, there were many pupils who followed him, though the literature of the time did not express this fact. It is also easy to conjecture that there were some who, out of fear of betrayal and its consequences, never recorded their beliefs; or due to the injustice of the times and the fraud and tyranny of their adversaries, any writings which dared expose their impure lifestyle they would destroy. 

From these historical testimonies, therefore, it can be abundantly proved there have always been thousands of pious and righteous people, an assembly who either commonly condemned all or part of the Papacy, as we also condemn it. Although much can be consumed due to antiquity, many things have been suppressed by the Antichrist and his followers with the greatest of zeal. And finally, we have one Doctor [Luther] who has many students and followers who has exposed the most false sophism of the Papists who brand us an odious innovation, while attempting to attribute to themselves the merits of antiquity, though the primitive Church was solidly with us 300 years from Christ, free from the errors, abuses and tyranny of the Papacy. And when the seeds of abominations began to sprout the majority of the chief teachers opposed them. Today the Roman Antichrist is now reigning, and his abominations of desolations are flourishing. However, there are not a few teachers and pupils worldwide who now, not only refuse to bend the knee to him, but seriously oppose him in both preaching and writing – even to the point of shedding their blood in martyrdom. These all wished with all their hearts the deliverance of the Church of God with never ceasing deepest groans. 

It is now my wish to insert this brief preface into the main Work and at the same time pray that all lovers of piety would take good counsel and promote this Work, both by prayers and by pointing out other collections of stories. For no matter where one searches the old libraries, asking the elders if they had ever heard of their ancestors criticizing the errors and abuses of the Papacy, they would receive a positive response.  


Witnesses of the Truth Who Lived Before Our Age: Whether the Scriptures enumerate Papal protesters before Luther 

St. Peter 

I know well that you will commit an iniquity against St. Peter, if you consider him either the [first] Pope or the predecessor of the Popes; and especially if you place him as the founder and author of this pestilence. For what is to be thought of his Roman Episcopate or Papacy I have explained at length elsewhere, and especially in the history of the Sixth Synod of Carthage. The truth is that he and his descendants are the Antichrist. The ungodly crowd absolutely want Peter to be their choir, prayer and festal procession leader. [They admit Peter was not perfect] but claim even God is not always perfect, doing both good and evil things, which example His saints follow, as their learned teachers have been known to write. For they view Christ’s sleeping while His ship was in danger as a metaphor for their bishops sleeping a deep sleep on a soft pillow consisting of the Church’s luxurious goods, while their Church is experiencing difficulties and dangers. Thus, using this metaphor it is not unrealistic to compare it also to Peter’s deeds, or even the sins by which the bishops of the Romans ruled the life of the Romans; painted & prefigured as it were [by Peter and Christ]. With such great zeal our adversaries gather all the scriptures which commend what Peter preached either truly or probably, and in which he did not sin, so that he was a proper role model for the Popes. This statement we can easily tear apart. 

First, it cannot be denied that Peter was of a low social status, having little education. So, too, were the Popes generally; for from the lowest condition, they gradually achieved their tyranny through evil arts because most of them were the most uneducated asses. This fact was not shameful for Peter, nor was he to be reproached because God created man in his image, as well as giving them different desires and livelihoods, as it pleased him. And God is able even at any moment to adorn men with the greatest gifts, making them suitable for the preaching of the Gospel. Let it be said that he did this especially for the Apostles and the Prophets. And finally, it is not in the hope of riches and powerful kingdoms that distinguishes the nobility of a race; nor is it their education and industriousness, but rather the possession and practice of that which is good, taught from one’s youth. It is nothing short of shameful that the Pope presumes to [infallibly] teach while he himself is uneducated; for this is the function of all Church governments (since it is no longer much the case with other languages; the gifts necessary for the ministry are given to us [by God], as in the past, but must be learned by study and labor), the ignoble are carried away with reckless ambition to seize the rule of this world for themselves. It’s also shameful how soon they forget their infancy, lying in their own filth, for as soon as they receive that triple crown they swell with pride like Kings and Caesars, clearly barbarous and tyrannical, forgetting the insolence of the ceremony of having their stinking feet kissed, though God through their own Peter, whose successor they wish to be, or rather to be seen, commanded him to be equal to others and subject to all magistrates and kings. 

Secondly, it cannot be denied that Peter sometimes labored with ambition and desire for power. If anyone raises a dispute concerning the primacy of the Apostolic See against other Sees, he dares to oppose Christ who, having left all behind, demands and insists on a certain reward of which he was carnally dreaming, while he has left behind nothing but misery and poverty. This undoubtedly signifies through Peter’s weakness that those bishops, who boast of Peter’s succession, will strive with greater ambition in countless ways.  

Thirdly, not understanding the mystery of Christ’s passion and the benefit that would come to humankind from it, but wholly immersed in the thought, hope, and desire of human power, which he hoped to gain from the kingdom of the Messiah, he audaciously rebukes Christ, Matthew 15 [sic:16:23] for being ready to suffer for humanity. However, Christ, when he harshly rebuffs Peter, will reproach him with ignorance and contempt of divine things and the desire for human power (for this is indeed a valid interpretation of the Greek word φρονεῖς). This is quite a scandal, even to the Lord Himself. Wherefore he rebuffs his opinion calling him Satan. Regarding the history of the adversaries, their utmost diligence should be immediately observed as to where they wish to state the primacy was entrusted to Peter and then to the Popes. For they clearly understood that even if some privilege or primacy, as they call it, were granted to Peter, it could not be given in such a way that he would be called Satan and rejected by Christ. For this reason, both this perverse ambition of Peter, as well as the ignorance and negligence regarding divine matters, in addition to what Christ himself calls Satanism, clearly show that the Roman bishop, who wishes to be the first and heir of Peter’s privileges, will immediately be ignorant and contemptuous of celestial matters, desiring human power and pleasures, becoming a scandal to the Church of God, and must be rejected and repudiated by the Lord Jesus in every way. 

Fourthly, in the passion itself (where the future calamities of the Church of God are first depicted) Peter is at first erroneously devout or pious. He does not wish to be washed by Christ. By this is undoubtedly meant the perversity and impiety of the Papists, who do not want to be washed and cleansed or justified by the merits of Christ alone, but by certain washings and merits of their own. Then there is the instance when Peter boasts and promises great things about his constancy to Christ and to all the Apostles: and yet a little later, when danger is present, he is less than nothing. Such was always the Roman Pontiffs’ boasting, who, indeed, boasted great things about themselves, and yet did nothing good for the Church of God when in the greatest difficulties. 

Fifthly, in danger, Peter prepared his swords, little understanding the Lord’s words and commandment, he attempted to fight with the swords, though against Christ’s will. Wherein it indicates, without doubt, that the Roman Pope, the successor of Peter, would also seize two swords, ecclesiastical and political, against the will of Christ. This very type is found to have been fulfilled in a certain pope [Boniface VIII] who, one day in Caesar’s, the next in his own dress, provided himself the hope of two swords, ordering the proclamation, Behold two swords. By the same act it is signified, that the Pope would not by confession, or by the purity of doctrine, but by the violence of the sword, try to help his fellow society. 

Sixth, when experiencing danger a little later, though he had previously boasted of his constancy, love and faithfulness to Christ, he could not keep watch even for one hour [as Christ requested], causing Christ to harshly reproach him by name. Wherefore, shortly thereafter, terrified by the voice of one of the handmaids, he commits grave perjury when denying Christ three times. By which, of course, it is most evidently prefigured that the Roman bishops, who boast that they are all ‘Peters,’ will completely deny the Lord Christ, if not in words, but certainly in reality, receiving this failing from him. 

Finally, even after receiving the Holy Spirit, he repeatedly exposes certain of his own sins with some lapses. For he no longer understands the calling of the Gentiles, and thereby is taught more correctly by God through a singular heavenly vision [Acts 10]. Now, shamefully pretending to abhor the society of the Gentiles, he does not walk properly in the purity of the Gospel, and almost shamefully betrays it [Galatians 2]. Therefore, he is sharply rebuked by Paul and is drawn back as if by some great force and power. Finally, Paul also earnestly resisted the perversity and impiety of the pseudo-apostles, [Gal. 2; 2 Cor. 11], who boasted before all the churches. It was as if Peter was their teacher and an Apostle of greater authority than the rest; and thereby, as if in the shadow of his name, they undermined and disrupted the purity of the Gospel of Christ and Paul’s authority [as the pseudo-apostles of Rome do today]. 

Therefore, Paul rejects the primacy of Peter, which he refutes and casts aside, so that he clearly denies recognizing Peter as his superior in any regard. Nor does he claim to have learned the Gospel from him, nor has he sought to receive any authority from him, nor, indeed, does he admit having learned anything at all from him. Rather, he claims to have more rightly instructed Peter, who was erring and sinning gravely in Antioch, and he admonishes him severely in the presence of all, but only because they worked harder with Peter and others. 

For this reason, in a similar matter, in the first letter to the Corinthians, Paul severely pronounces and exhorts that no one ought to puff up and boast in the name of Peter or of other men, but of Christ alone, who alone died and suffered for us; redeeming us from sin, death, and the underworld.  Neither Peter nor any other Apostle should be celebrated or praised for what was Christ’s work alone. 

I wished to speak here about Peter’s gravest lapses, as well as his weaknesses and infirmities because, due to the fact that the Antichrist and his fellows so meticulously compile Peter’s praises, if anything can verifiably or presumably be attributed to him from the Evangelical history, they of necessity transfer all of it to themselves by inheritance from a certain succession. They assert that he is, truly, the very Peter [they exemplify]; Therefore, by the same reasoning, they must also attribute to themselves his dark lapses and most grievous scandals, for which he himself has been called Satan by the Lord who knows the hearts. Thus, they must also claim that these [sinful] attributes of Peter’s belong to them, for they adamantly claim his inheritance and succession. No doubt God wished to depict or foreshadow in the true Peter the characteristics and lives of these fictitious Peters, so to speak. Since Peter, although soon penitent, had been so severely condemned that he was even called Satan, it is easy to infer what Jesus might think and judge concerning the perpetual madness, impieties, or horrendous, lascivious, blasphemous heresies, idolatries, and tyrannical persecution in the Church which these Antichrists [who claim to be successors of Peter] authorize. 

Holy Scripture 

Holy scripture does not just fight with the Pope and his errors by proposing contrary doctrines. Scripture preaches and predicts that the Antichrist will come and does not obscurely indicate that he himself is the Pope by pointing out his specific errors. For St. Paul teaches the Antichrist will sit in the temple of God, where he will show his power and will exercise tyranny [2 Thess. 2:4]. The universal Church is that temple of God, 1 Cor. 3:6 [sic: 3:16] & 2 Cor. 6 [:16]. We are the temple of the living God. God no longer has a material temple in any place as it once was in Jerusalem. It was completely destroyed many centuries ago. But who else lifts up, exalts and displays himself in the Church but the Pope? 

Scripture also says that the Antichrist will display himself as God; that he will exalt himself above God and his worship [2 Thess. 2:4]. Matt. 24 thus declares he will come in the name of Christ. [N.B. Also, declaring Jesus is the Christ. It was Peter who declared Jesus is the Christ, Matt. 16:16]. It is certain, however, that the Pope is for himself when he sold himself as the Vicar of Christ because he usurps a greater power for himself than what the Son of God begets for Himself. For Christ always submitted Himself to the scriptures and said that He would do and suffer that the scriptures might be fulfilled. But the Pope claims the right to administer justice contrary to what the Apostle and Evangelists say. Paul also foretold when the Antichrist was going to come, that is to say, when the Roman kingdom was inclined to collapse, which also agrees with the truth of the matter. For it was at that time the Pope began to claim the headship, heaping impiety upon impiety. 

Also, in Peter’s second chapter of his second epistle, he predicts that future prelates will deny the very Lord who [they claim] redeemed them [2 Peter 2:1]. The Popes clearly do this when they claim their sacrifices and merits redeem themselves and others. He also says that through greed and fictitious fairytales they will make hapless Christians a source of income [2 Peter 2:3]. This is exactly what the ministers of Antichrist do through the invention of their many miracles, apparitions and relics of the saints, etc. Peter also predicts they will give in to the lusts of the flesh, despising the authorities [2 Peter 2:10]. You may judge if this is applicable to the Papacy or not; who offer their stinking feet to Kings and Caesars to kiss; and who set or depose Kings and Caesars – excommunicating, absolving, and subduing at will, nefariously freeing citizens from their oaths of fidelity. And Peter continues: they will give in to the unclean lusts of the flesh, condemn that of which they are ignorant, having hearts well practiced in plundering and pillaging [2 Peter 2:14]. They will, indeed, have an [impressive] outward appearance, but [in reality] are clouds without water, blowing bombastic, pretentious, grandiose words [2 Peter 2:17-18]. All this is plainly set forth in the person of the Pope, pompous Cardinals, prelates and the all the rest in whom these characteristics meet. 

Daniel teaches that he [Antichrist] would not care for the love of women, that is, honorable marriages [I.e., the willful king who has no desire for women, Dan. 11:36-37]; just as St. Paul foretold the forbidding of marriage and the abstaining of certain foods [ 1 Timothy 4:3]. The Popes are well-known to have decreed both. He thanks God when forbidding marriage to the spiritual and teaches universally that marriage is itself carnal and should be considered more or less unclean. 

John also indicated in the Apocalypse the time during which he [Antichrist] will reign: 1260 days, that is, years; as scripture often marks a year by a day in prophetic writings [Numbers 14:34; Ezekiel 4:6]. Likewise, upon the collapse of the Roman Empire, John saw him rise up, Rev. 13 [:1]. This, too, is true of the Pope. John then indicated where he would chiefly reside: Rome [the city of 7 hills, Rev. 17:9], which, although he calls the city Babylon, yet the Papists themselves understand Rome by Babylon in the New Testament [1 Peter 5:13]. In order that you will not doubt he speaks of Rome, John adds it was built on seven hills and has dominion over the whole world. Both these are said of Rome. Even the very name of Antichrist, which is treated of in the thirteenth chapter of the Revelation, is interpreted by Irenaeus in the fifth book Against Heresies to be LATEINOS, which is noted in the Popes’ discourses. 

I wished to briefly say these things as a reminder that the holy scriptures accuse the Pope when expounding the identity of the Antichrist. Now, however, is not the time to discuss how Christ will re-capture the priesthood and [Antichrist’s] kingdom with its new sacrifices, new mediators and Church champions or patrons. All these things can be asked of those who have discussed them more carefully and at greater length. 

Since I have proved that the holy scripture is the greatest and most trustworthy witness of the truth, expounding the Pope is the Antichrist, which must be preached, I will now add the primacy, about which the Pope frequently boasts so much. This same question of primacy was agitated and condemned both by Christ and Paul more than once: Matthew 18 [& Mark 9]. Also, in Luke 22 at the Last Supper. Had Christ already settled the question regarding His giving the primacy to Peter, as the Papists want in Matt. 16, there would be no need for debate or quarrelling amongst the disciples. But Christ always rejected every such thought of the Apostles with the utmost severity, condemning it as harmful and quite carnal. Wherefore it is most manifest, that Christ Himself more than once sharply denounced and condemned this maddened, tyrannical ambition of the Roman Antichrist. In his letters to the Corinthians, and especially to the Galatians, chapter 5, Paul extensively denies that he has any less authority than Peter, whose authority and primacy they boasted. For it was necessary that Paul rebuke him sharply while he was erring in Antioch, asserting that he labored more than he and the other Apostles. In the end, Paul ties him exclusively to the Jewish people, affirming he is the Apostle to the Jews, while he himself is the Apostle to the Gentiles. For Paul had been given the right hand of promise that Peter was pleased to preach to the Jews, while he must, indeed, teach the Gentiles. In short, Paul deals with the matter with such vehemence that there is no doubt at all that the Holy Spirit looked upon and attacked the tyrannical primacy of the Roman Antichrist in particular.  

I wanted to briefly state these truths concerning certain important passages of sacred literature which seemed to be written as if it were a study directed against the Pope. For the whole Bible is contrary to him, as has been abundantly presented to our churches and teachers up to now in lengthy volumes and is from time to time shown more and more in writings and sermons. 

The Apostolic Canons 

The Apostolic Canons were at one time disputed as to their authenticity, and were finally accepted, as appears from the decree of Distinction 16. They warned that a Bishop should not divorce a wife under the pretext of religion. Whoever does the contrary will be excommunicated. They anathematize, etc., those who do not eat meat, except for the sake of religion. This is precisely what the Papists do, for whom it is forbidden, on Friday, or in Lent, to taste or eat meat.  And indeed, they lay down these two decrees for them which differ from their practice. If any Bishop or priest abstains from marriage, he must not exercise the grace of another because that will be abhorred by Jesus, and he will be deposed and excommunicated. 

The sixth Synod affirms that both the Apostolic Canons and the holy Fathers permitted not only marriage, but also the procreation of children to priests themselves; that holy Synod protected the marriage of a priest and speaks against the [current] canons of the Romanists. See Distinction 31, under the heading, “Seeing that,’ etc. From this it appears that Satan, soon after the Church began, initiated these doctrines of his concerning Sodomite chastity and food, in an attempt to make their prohibition a most holy thing. But for some time, the matter was fought against him, until at last error overpowered truth. 

Wherefore in the Apostolic Canons it is to be observed that when they speak of the polities of the Church, the priests simply submit to the Bishops and Archbishops, without any further appeal; they do not engage them in controversies in the discussion, nor do they make any plain mention of the Pope or the Roman Bishops. Hence it appears that the primacy of the Pope and the Apostolic seat, or rather the tyrannical one, is [only] the opinion of the Romanists. It is also very worthy of observation that, in Canon 34, the Archbishop is no less bound to the Bishops than the latter to them. From this it appears that equality was of great importance in the Church at that time, and that all greatly abhorred Antichristian tyranny. 

The United Greek Church 

The Greek Church – united with the Asian, Macedonian, Mosaic, Walachian, Ruthenian, Muscovite and African churches, that is, the whole world; or certainly the greatest part of it – never granted the primacy of the Pope by common consent, never approved purgatory, private masses, vigils (as they call them) for the dead, never approved indulgences, communion under one kind, the necessity of celibacy for priests, the adoration of statues, or the like: but always resisted these impieties, which they still resist to this day; of which almost the whole religion of the Antichrist consists. What this testimony clearly shows is that these are not universal dogmas, nor were they known to the ancient Church. For if they had indeed been commonly used in the ancient Church, through whom the Christian religion reached the Latin, and who was the teacher of the Latins in matters of religion, they would not have been unknown and unfamiliar. Therefore, from the very beginning, there have always existed great churches that opposed Antichrist, so that to no avail the papists boast of the universal agreement of their impieties. And this testimony of the truth must indeed be valued highly. 

I hear that at Basel there is a volume of Eymerich’s Inquisitors’ Directory in which codified errors, or rather truths, are attributed to the Greeks: 

No saints are to be invoked; not even the Blessed Virgin because Christ is the only Mediator. 

That we should confess our sins to God alone. 

The satisfactions which the Pope gave priest are considered reprehensible. 

Also, that all kinds of food, such as meat and other things, should be eaten every day. 

Also, that monastic vows are not pious. 

Likewise, those who offer gifts to the saints of any kind make a sacrifice to the Devil. 

Also, he who worships and kisses the cross is foolishly impious. 

That the miracles of the saints are false. 

They curse the blessed water. 

That baptism with river water is only as valid as the consecration. 

Likewise, the decrees and constitutions of the Popes are not to be listened to, nor to be observed. 

But I’m afraid that not all these opinions are held by them at this time, but for some of the centuries following they can truly be attributed. 


When I consider the matter more carefully because my initial judgment was insufficient, I noticed that both God and Satan had similar plans and objectives. Four hundred years ago [12th century] Satan devised his own religion and religious company. He raised up four specific men as his apostles, as if they were the four pillars of his impiety who would establish his Antichrist and abominations. However, Christ, cleansed of the abominations of the Antichrist, exhibited and showed His religion to the world anew. The four pseudo-apostles of Satan who had established the foundations of the Papacy, strengthening it most excellently, were as follows: First, Gratian the collector of the decrees; then Peter Lombard who is commonly called the Master of Sentences of the sophists. They each, in bad faith, collected parts of holy scripture, and much more from the Fathers and councils, interpreting and distorting their opinions in an attempt to prove and establish the Papist religion. Following them is Francis and Dominic who instituted the new monasticism of hypocrisy where previously deranged men were fed superstitions to increase their derangement.  

Moreover, Christ used a prominent citizen of Lyons, Peter Waldo, to illuminate His truth, driving away the darkness of the Antichrist, (as will appear clearer later). According to the testimony of many historians the restoration of Christianity with its true doctrines occurred this way:  

About the year of our Lord 1160, some aristocrats of Lyons gathered to confer on certain matters, as they were known to do in the porticos of Italy or Gaul’s magnates during the summer. They did this as a way of dispelling boredom and conversing with other men of their status. There, while engaged in idle talk, one of them fell dead in their sight, a sad example of human frailty and divine intervention. One of them, named Waldo, a very rich man, no doubt impelled by the Spirit of God, began to think of repentance, and of worshiping God with true piety somewhat more seriously than he had done before. Therefore, he began to distribute alms quite liberally, out of the treasury of his household, at any time and any place. When the people approached him, he would take the opportunity to teach and exhort them to repent and live a godly life.  

He progressed little by little, due to both his beneficence and his desire to teach. Those who desired to learn began to gather more frequently and in greater numbers. When explaining holy writ, Waldo did not dream up rules of interpretation from his own head but explained them in a clear way [which the people could understand], by translating them into the common French language. The ancient records testify he was an educated man. It didn’t trouble him to be turned away [and slandered] as the enemy of truth and a liar.  

As Christ says, the bishops and prelates have taken away the keys of heaven, neither wanting others nor themselves to enter [Matt. 23:13]. They place heavy and grievous burdens on both the laity and seculars (just as our spiritual clergy, glorying in their rank, puffed up, despise others who put Christ first), [they condemned Waldo] who translated holy scripture into the common speech of the people to explain and teach. At first, the religious authorities demanded they cease meeting in his house where he would preach to the people. Then excommunication was added. However, such threats were meaningless, for Waldo was not there to promote his own interests, but rather his interest was only the glory of God and salvation. Nor could such commands of the Pharisees and Pontiffs restrain his neighbors, the little ones in Christ because they hungered for the Word of God which was not being taught in the temples. For both the teacher and his audience were taught by God that God should be obeyed rather than men. Truly, the most important commandment is to listen to God’s voice.  

Wherefore, disregarding the commandments of the ungodly, even the dearest, yet starving Christians, began to be careless of their family affairs which were being gradually depleted by their excessive generosity. For they would rather be fed by the salvific word of God with its instructions and warnings. It is a given that Waldo and his supporters experienced the injustice and tyranny of the prelates when resisting those who sought to suppress and extinguish the preaching of the Word of God, though simple, plain and harmless. But he determined to speak more freely and diligently [planting seeds], so that the people might consider [the errors of] their own priests, religion and institution. Thus, as certainty grew [as to God’s truth] even among some of their priests, they were frequently able to discern and address the several errors and superstitions of the Papist religion. This we have seen occur in our day, when the Pope’s subjects not only refuted the indulgences exposed by Luther, but later were led to investigate and reprove many other errors.   

At the same time, Waldo collected [and translated] the testimonies of the [early Church] Fathers in the people’s language, so that he might share with his people not only the scriptures, but also the ancient testimonies against the adversaries of the truth. Seeing the constancy of Waldo and his followers in teaching and learning God’s Word, the bishop and his pharisaical scribes slandered their obstinacy [in seeking God’s truth]. Rather than grieving over their own profligacy, ignorance and negligence in their duty to teach, as well as promoting errors which they highly valued, they excommunicated Waldo and his followers. When the religious leaders realized excommunication did not cause them to cease and desist from their assembling to spread God’s Word, they began to persecute them through exile, prison, and torture; then finally with iron and fire, compelling the ‘heretics’ to flee the dangers of Lyons for other countries.  

It is possible that Waldo and his followers endured to remain in Lyons for four to five years before they were driven out and dispersed. For Waldo was a mighty man who probably had many friends and relatives and, therefore, could not be easily intimidated. At the outset he didn’t vex the Pope concerning human sacrifices because that practice had not yet been introduced into Christianity, whereby they would attack the pious so atrociously, as is now practiced by the Inquisitors. Those monks are nothing less than ferocious wolves dressed in sheepskin. And let me not forget to mention that which is most important in this matter: God always graciously accommodates His people with the means of learning before they suffer persecution. Waldo, at that time, was duty bound to train and educate his most excellent students in what can be called a ‘college,’ so they could also correctly teach others their own doctrine (or to say more precisely) Christ’s doctrine and religion cleansed of the Pharisee Antichrist’s leaven and errors, all the while making note of the Pope and Papists superstitions and refuting them. These men continued to be called not only Waldenses, but also the Poor of Lyons, Leonists and Insabbatati, for various names were given them by their adversaries.  

And now we must look at the emergence or rather the establishment of this true religion and doctrines of Christ. Their adversaries say some claim their doctrines have been perpetually held from the days of [Pope] Sylvester; while others claim perpetual descent from the Apostles. Now let us examine their articles or dogma:  

The Waldensian Articles of Faith  

1. They firmly feel that only the holy scriptures are to be believed in those things which pertain to salvation, with no exceptions.  

2. That the holy scriptures contain, in their entirety, all things necessary for salvation: and therefore, they unquestionably believe that there is absolutely nothing to be received or admitted in religion, except that which God has commanded us in holy scripture.  

3. They have determined that there is only one mediator, and that the saints are not to be invoked for any reason.  

4. They say there is no purgatory, but that all men, either justified by Christ go to eternal life, or who do not believe go to eternal destruction; there is no third or fourth place left.  

5. They receive and approve only two sacraments, Baptism and Communion.  

6. All masses, and especially those which are sung for the dead, are wicked, and therefore, they maintain they are to be completely abolished.  

7. All human traditions are to be rejected, or indeed, not to be regarded as absolutely necessary for salvation. They reject the chanting and recitation of offices [i.e., Liturgy of the Hours], fasts tied to certain days, superfluous festivals, discrimination of food, both the various degrees and orders of holy priests, monks and nuns, the various blessings or consecrations of creatures, vows, pilgrimages, and all the other multitude of rites or ceremonies invented by men. These and others which have been practiced since antiquity should be abolished.  

8. They completely deny the primacy of the Pope over all churches; they deny his power is supreme over all governments; they deny his claim of having two swords; they do not consider other priestly degrees should be retained in the Church besides that of priests, deacons and bishops.  

9. They assert that communion under both forms, along with piety is necessary, since it was ordained and commanded by Christ.  

10. They argue that the Roman Church is that Babylon prophesied in the Revelation and the Pope is the source of all errors, the true Antichrist.  

11. They reject all indulgences which they claim were only recently invented some 250 years before Boniface VIII.  

12. They teach that the marriage of priests is pious and necessary in the Church.  

13. Hearing Christ and His Word proves the status of the true Church. The keys of the Church were given to Him, and He to others. They can and should drive away wolves who are the bad and not the good true Christians. Christ’s shepherds hear His voice. It is from these the Waldenses receive the sacraments.  

These are established Waldensian articles, whereas others expand upon these for teaching purposes. The fact of their removal to other countries was not by the human design of their persecutors, but rather by divine design, for when Waldo’s students were fit to teach others, God’s providence was at work, much like the time of the Apostles when they were driven out of their homeland by the cruelty of their wicked oppressors, dispersed to various regions of the world, so that their sound has gone out to all the earth, spreading the light of truth. The doctrine and religion of Christ now established, or rather purified, and instructed; and when they were taught not a few, who themselves were already fit to teach, it undoubtedly happened not so much by the human or diabolical malice of the persecutors, but much more by divine design, as in the time of the Apostles, that they were driven to Lyons by the cruelty of the impious, and dispersed through the various regions of the world, by which, of course, in all their sound would go forth from the earth [Romans 10:18], the light of truth would be scattered. Some, therefore, ventured from Lyons into various parts of Gaul, and especially into the province of Narbonne; some, and indeed many, into Lombardy, the province of Italy, which the Romans called the closer Gaul.  

I have the consultations of the jurists of Avignon, also of the Archbishops of Narbonne, of Arles and of Acqui, and of the ordination of the Albanese Bishop, which had written about the extirpation of the Waldense some 300 years ago: from which it appears that most of them were scattered throughout Gaul. There was an entire council held at Toulouse against the Waldenses, about the year 355, before it had been condemned in another held at Rome.  

It is true the Waldenses were a seriously large number, so much so that persecutions were instituted against them. This can be easily understood from consulting the aforesaid three Archbishops’ writings from 300 years ago. For at the end of each they add: Who else but a foreigner could be ignorant of the condemnation of the heretical Waldenses justly made long ago? For this was publicly well known, having been the result of much sweat and toil of the faithful, followed by the solemn deaths of so many of the condemned infidels which so strongly and publicly sealed their fate.  

From which words it is easy to see, that many Waldenses had already been living in several different locales 300 years ago when that most foul Antichrist had overseen their butchering.  

Although the French prelates and inquisitors continued to seek after these poor Christians persecuting them with the utmost diligence, yet they were not able to extirpate them; for not a few have survived to our times, especially around Marseilles. For in our times, they have their own public temples, where they publicly preach their sermons and perform their sacraments and ceremonies. They also printed the Bible in their own dialect with propriety.  

Moreover, in the year 1545, these same men were most grievously and cruelly afflicted, or I should say, utterly destroyed and uprooted [extirpati] by the King of Gaul. The calamity of those Good Men is to be pitied; for their adversaries were crueler than the Turks. This truth is readily expounded in a certain French pamphlet, and is also found in John Sleiden’s comprehensive compendium, which I now add.  

“In the province of Gaul there are those who are called the Waldenses: these, by ancient custom, do not recognize the Roman Pontiff and have always held to a somewhat purer doctrine; and after Luther had made their acquaintance, they eagerly resolved to gain a greater knowledge of the matter. Indeed, they had often been brought to the King in this name, [Lutheran], as if they had despised the magistrate, and had rebelled. For most people now use this accusation, which is more invidious than true. They are contained in several towns and villages, among which is Merindol. A decree had been passed against them five years before in Aix, which is the highest tribunal of Provence, ordering that they should all residents be promiscuously crushed, that the village should be razed to the ground by demolishing the buildings; also, that all the trees should also be cut down, and that the place should be rendered completely deserted, as we have touched upon in the thirteenth book. Moreover, although it was thus pronounced that force was not used at that time because some warned the King [of its cruelty], among them was William Bellaius Langeus, viceroy in Turin, who was the first to learn of the situation. But finally, this last year, John Minerius, prefect of the judiciary and senate of Aix, on the twelfth day of April, [1545] being summoned to the senate, recited the King’s letters which ordered the general execution of the sentence imposed. And these letters are said to have been procured by Minerius with the approval of Cardinal Tornonius, through the able solicitor, Philip Cortinus. However, though he received them in January, he did not bring them forth at once but held them back for a time. After these letters were recited, those who were to execute the matter were chosen by the senate. In the absence of Grinian, the prefect of Provence, Minerius carried on the affairs of the Republic as his assistant. In truth, before the command of the King was announced he had already sporadically hired troops for the cause of the English war; but these were used instead for extirpating the Waldenses in Marseille, Aix, Arles and other places. In the more densely populated locales, the militia commanded all those who could carry weapons [to join the fight] with severe denunciations of punishment [for those who disobeyed]. Then from the borders of the country of Avignon in the pontifical domain, reinforcements were sent to wherever they were needed.  Avignonians were sent, as auxiliaries, to the border of their country, to the territory of the Pontiff. The first attack was not in Merindol, but against its neighboring country’s town of Pertusio [Italy]. On the same day in April, Minerius, assembled a company of nobles and leaders and came to Cadenet. Several captains rushed into one of the two villages by the river Druentia, plundering the villagers who yielded to them, and burned grass, forcefully driving away a great herd of cattle. The same treatment was given others at the same time. When the men of Merindol saw everything burning around them, they left their homes and took refuge in the woods, passing the night in the greatest fear at the village of Flassans-sur-Issole. Now the inhabitants of this village were already preparing their flight. For the Bishop of Cavaillon, the vicar of the pontifical legate, had given this business to certain leaders to kill them. The next day, the Waldenses advanced a little further, covered by forests, for on every side there was a danger. Minerius forbade his chief captains to help them in any way, allowing them to experience whatever troubling predicament befell them, despite their pleas for help. The same edict was carried out in neighboring areas of the papal domain, and some of the bishops of that region were brought to support a large part of the forces. So, the Waldenses went on a difficult and troublesome journey, carrying the children on their shoulders and cradling them in their arms. In fact, some women were pregnant. When they arrived at the appointed place to which many had fled seeking safety after having lost their possessions, it was not long after that Minerius was gathering his forces for an attack. The Waldenses deliberated as to the best course of action and determined the men would continue journeying on through difficult and harsh places, leaving the women and children behind with a few men, including the church minister, in the hopes their enemy might have mercy on this non-combatant assembly, who were destitute of any possible advantage. Anyone there would easily understand the encompassing sounds of groaning and lamentation that soon arose [because of the separation]. Marching through the night, having successfully negotiated the Luberon pass, they saw villages and farms burning. In the meantime, Minerius split his army in two, attacking both Merindol and the Merindolans hiding in the woods, having received information as to where the Merindolans had retreated. But before they had reached the wood, some of the soldiers, moved with pity, ran ahead [to warn the refugees of the coming army], and from the side of a high peak of the cliff under which they suspected the refugees were hiding, threw down two stones. Then, from a distance, they called out to them to flee, even though they could not see them, to ensure their immediate escape. [John Foxe continues the narrative]: “But the enemies suddenly came upon them, and finding them all assembled at prayers, spoiled them of all that they had, pulling off their garments from their backs. Some they abused, some they whipped and scourged, and some they sold like cattle, practicing what cruelty and villainy soever they could devise against them. The women were in number about five hundred.”  

[Illyricus continues Sleiden’s narrative]: In the meantime, Minerius came to Merindol, and when he found it empty of inhabitants, he sacked it and set it on fire, following the very cruel example set before. Then, finding the only young man remaining there, he ordered him to be bound to an olive tree to be killed by the cannons. He then demanded the town of Cabrières, and shook it with siege machines, and under the command of Poulin, his chief captain, he persuaded the townspeople to open the gate, promising immunity. However, Minerius reneged on his word, and after some delay his soldiers began to cut the people down. Neither age nor sex was taken into consideration. Many fled to the same temple, some sought refuge in the wine-cellar of the fort; others were brought out to the field where they were stripped naked and slaughtered: not only the men, but also the women, and many of them pregnant. Minerius also confined about forty women in a barn full of straw and hay, which he set on fire. The soldiers surrounded it preventing the women from escaping, so all perished in the fire. This was on the 20th of April……..  

In the preceding year the Waldenses had sent to the King a confession of their doctrine, contained in writing, by which they would teach their innocence. Their doctrinal heads may be summed as the following:  

On God the Father, creator of all things: On the Son, intercessor and advocate of the human race: On the Holy Spirit, consoler and guide of the truth.  

On the Church, which they say is the body of all the elect and has the wounded Christ as its head.  

On the ministers of the Church, whom they say are to be removed from their office unless they do their duty.  

On the magistrate, whom they confess to have been instituted by God to defend the good and to punish the guilty; To whom they themselves paid taxes.  

On baptism, which they say is a visible external sign which represents the renewal of the Spirit, and the mortification of the members.  

On marriage, they say it is holy and Instituted by God, so they judge that no one should be prohibited from it.  

On good works: they teach us to worship and to live in practice as the holy scriptures teach.  

On false doctrines, which, because they lead us away from true worship, are to be avoided. In short, they say that the Old and New Testaments are the norm and rule of their faith, and that they profess to believe all that is contained in the Apostles’ Creed…… This narrative is from Sleiden…….  


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